Good Looks Eyewear offers awesome designer glasses for children. Here are some trends that appeal to children, that also help them find a look of their own:
- Designers have taken cool and classic designs that work for adults and scaled them down for kids. Don’t be surprised if your child wants eyeglasses that look a lot like yours.
- Lilly Pulitzer is a brand designed specifically for girls that have an eye for colors and patterns. For sporty children, Flexon offers a sleek design with a bendable frame that won’t break.
- Spring hinges, strong and flexible frame materials and impact-resistant polycarbonate all help protect your child’s eyes — as well as your financial investment in his/her eyewear.
- Don’t forget about sun glasses for kids. Wearing sunglasses will protect your child from the sun’s harmful UV rays, and lower the risk of vision problems as an adult.
- For the child who is fast becoming a teenager, eyewear fashion is increasingly important. Designer Eyewear from Ray Ban is one of the most popular brands of frames on the market.
Contact us at Good Looks Eyewear if you have any questions. Also, feel free to stop in to our Pittsburgh or Cranberry locations to browse our unique collection of designer eyewear. Our ABO certified Opticians are always happy to assist you.